Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Master Bathroom Mayhem!

The day we closed on our little home, our master bathroom toilet stopped working.  Really karma?   We could have just replaced the innards of the toilet for about $30, but we had planned to replace that toilet anyhow because it is toddler sized.  I mean- tiny!   We are both over 6' tall and I am not a small person and have bad joints.  It just wasn't going to work for us.  We found a dual flush toilet, ADA height at Costco for $89 including the wax ring and all the innards- plus new water tube and all that.  It just wasn't worth replacing the inside of a toilet we really couldn't use.   So while we hadn't planned to immediately replace the toilet, it quickly went near the top of the list.  Hopefully in the next few days this bad boy will be flushing away!

We got some "mis-mixed" paint for about $6 and the kind man lightened it for us- this is for the bathroom- so we started painting prior to installing the toilet.  We got a good portion in and realized we probably won't have enough paint for the whole bathroom (it will need 2 coats), so the plan is to see if we can get it matched and pick up a second gallon.  We noticed a strange texture to the walls and some "wrinkles" at one point and I realized they must have painted over the typical "wallpaper" walls in mobile homes.  Other than the wrinkled area (not sure I can fix that) I think the texture isn't necessarily a bad thing!  We also need to frame out every single window in the house- none have any sort of molding!  This one, being so small, will be inexpensive to do and can be done quickly and easily.   The peel & stick floor tile isn't in bad condition- a few need replacing and there happens to be a few unused tiles under the sink so that will be done too.  The color is a much brighter & lighter mint color than it appears in the pictures- hopefully I can adequately take pictures to show once we finish!  

Another thing I can't figure out is the toilet placement.  I get centering it under the window but it is sooo close to the wall!  The toilet paper holder is actually overhanging your knees!  With all that space, why they didn't center it more is beyond me.  We will be moving the toilet paper holder!

I painted around the toilet (with some "help" from one of our 7 year old twins), and then when Sherri got home she worked on the cutting in at the ceiling (she's got a few inches on me!) and I took a putty knife and popped off all the shells the previous owners had hot glued around the mirror.  Intersting.  I think I understand what they were going for- maybe.  If they had filled in the area with shells- like a shell frame a few inches wide- I probably would have left it.  These random spaced out shells on the old paint color didn't do much for us stylistically!    We plan to frame the mirror and replace the fixture above.   I will re-paint the vanity and I am considering trying to refinish the counter.....I don't think Sherri quite trusts that it will be durable.   We are also watching for a great deal on new faucets- even used- just nicer!   

Besides power blasting, I mean, cleaning the shower (ewww it is so gross!)  We need to do something about this typical 90's mobile home mirror.  It was above the former corner garden tub.  It is permanently affixed to the wall and we fear if we tear it off it will take the wallboard with it.  I *think* we will repaint the trim and hang shelves in front of the mirror for decoration.  I really don't desire having a huge mirror directly across from the tub!!!  

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